Will Stuart and Myself co-create one of my favourite projects of all time, CATS OF TOTTENHAM.
We just won an award for the best animation at a local film festival in Tottenham!
'Cats of Tottenham' is a cartoon video series, using deformed puppets and a sharp script to tell a story about 4 badass female protagonists who are on a mission to save the world but are trapped in multiple ways by patriarchy, capitalism and the sheer fact that they all work in a supermarket - or, to put it simply, the fact they do not make enough money. All set in the London Borough of Haringey!
The show is deliberately made lo-fi and DIY to create a sense of wanting to make a show but not having the time or the money or the support to do it. However, we have put in hundreds of hours of time that was taken from what was left over from work to do this.
Visit Cats Of Tottenham on the link above to watch all of series 1! or watch it here (first video)
Or watch the trailer below for Series 1